Röcke und mehr... => Rund um den Männerrock => Thema gestartet von: RokSterNL am 12.01.2007 12:22

Titel: Positive respons broadcast men's skirt
Beitrag von: RokSterNL am 12.01.2007 12:22
Today I walked through my neighbourhood for shopping. A man said to me: 'Hey, you were on TV, I have seen you to promote the men's skirt' I asked him, what do you think about it ? Great and nice he said.

Greetings from RokSterNL
Titel: Re:Positive respons broadcast men's skirt
Beitrag von: Andree am 13.01.2007 16:04
Hello RokSterNL or may i write Peet?

Very nice to read, that you have a positive reflection about the tv-broadcast. This is a great step, to get the total acceptance of the menskirt in the Netherlands too.

Titel: Re:Positive respons broadcast men's skirt
Beitrag von: RokSterNL am 14.01.2007 13:55
Hi Andree,

You may say Peet, because my name is now familiar in the TV report.

Yesterday my aunt visited us. She wanted to shop in our neighbourhood. I was in my kilt once again. One moment two girls from about 15 years old sat on a bank in the street. A lady with a rollator looked behind me. My aunt said to her. Nice this man in kilt ? The old lady didn't understand why she said this, and looked into a shop with men's clothing, but there was no man with a kilt in it. One of the girls said, sure it is very nice the man in kilt.

Greetings from Peet (RokSterNL)

Titel: Re:Positive respons broadcast men's skirt
Beitrag von: Asterix am 17.01.2007 04:06
Hi RokSter!

I only say "Congratulations"!

Titel: Re:Positive respons broadcast men's skirt
Beitrag von: RokSterNL am 17.01.2007 07:54
Hi Asterix,

I have the idea more people have seen me on television after this broadcast, then after the broadcast in February 2006, when we were in Tilburg.

There are people who know my father, and they have told him too, "I have seen him on TV in a men's skirt". They thought it nice.

Greetings from Peet (RokSterNL)