Autor Thema: Positive respons marketvendor  (Gelesen 4217 mal)

Offline RokSterNL

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Positive respons marketvendor
« am: 21.07.2006 13:09 »
In our neighbourhood in a very busy shoppingstreet there was a market. Several stalls with different articles. One moment I walk along one of these stalls and the marketvendor said to me: " Mr. is it not very warm to wear such a long ankleskirt ?, and is it not much easier to wear a short ?" I said to him: "Of course not, because the skirt is open and not closed between my legs. I told him that there are a lot of man who like to wear a skirt, because it is fresh. Once there walked a man along, and he has to organize this market. The marketvendor said to him, I have a nice skirt for you, the one this man is wearing. The man said: "No interesting". I think most of the man from about 40 years old don't wear a skirt. We must shoot our arrows on the youth. When boys want to wear a skirt, there will be a breakthrough.

When I decided to go back to my house, the marketvendor said to me: "I am proud that you want to do that, most of the man didn't do it" I wish you success and go on with this.

Greetings from RokSterNL

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Re:Positive respons marketvendor
« Antwort #1 am: 21.07.2006 13:37 »
Hello rokster,
I'm not sure, the younger ones would build an easier target for the idea of man wearing a skirt, because breaking the society's rules takes a lot of guts and self-confidence.
The average member in here, als well as in other forums, is (much) older then twenty years, younger men at the utmost think about wearing a skirt only in the save ambiance of any club, but not as part of their every day wardobe.

Cephalus - older than 40 years

Offline RokSterNL

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Re:Positive respons marketvendor
« Antwort #2 am: 25.07.2006 09:07 »
Hi Cephalus,

What I have told about younger men, is what I have heard from other skirtwearing men in The Netherlands, but also in Australia, America, Canada. I am also member of this English discussionfora. They told skirts for men become much easier the truth when young men want to wear them.
I agree with you that most of the men on the fora are older. It starts at 30 years. A lady who is working in the fashionindustry told me lately, the same story. Skirts for men will become fashion when younger men want to wear them. I don't know, I believe she tells the truth and is familiar with this.

Another thing happened yesterday. I was on my bike on my way to my mother who is in a nursing home. On the street there were many cars waiting for the trafficlights. Two men in a car yell to me, I think you are wrong here. I know what they thought, because I wore a ankle skirt. I told them, when you think it is to hard to look at a man in a skirt, don't look anymore. By the way I have little cards in my bag and I have given them one of these cards. On these cards I have noticed 5 or 6 important websites about Skirts for men. This forum is also mentioned on this card. I said, have a look at these websites. I am not sure they will do it, but when I gave them this card with websitesaddresses they became serious and the fun about me was over.

Greetings from RokSterNL

Offline Matthias

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Re:Positive respons marketvendor
« Antwort #3 am: 14.08.2006 00:55 »
Sometimes I think it's necessary to make this community multi language compatible, expect english.

Greetings Matthias
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Re:Positive respons marketvendor
« Antwort #4 am: 21.08.2006 16:14 »
" Mr. is it not very warm to wear such a long ankleskirt ?, and is it not much easier to wear a short ?" I said to him: "Of course not, because the skirt is open and not closed between my legs. I told him that there are a lot of man who like to wear a skirt, because it is fresh.
Mijn leeve RokSter,
dat klopt maar niet.
Open or not,
One of those long sacks (zakken) is always warmer than a short skirt.
Here I sometimes use sarong, but often it is too warm for that. Then I wear kilts, which are shorter and cooler.
have fun :)


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